Monday 7 June 2010

microwave mug cake

not really arts or crafts but cake thats ready in 5 mins yes pls!! i was at my fraeidns house and she had this recipe but had never tryed it....i dont know how thats even possable. any way long story short i stole it and made very quick yuumy cake in under five mins. i will never be able to diet now!! :) hear it is (link) enjoy.

Sunday 18 April 2010


i havent updated my blog in forever i should set out a a day each mont where i have to write what i have been up to. i joined a wonderfull website called
whats a ATC???
a ATC is a Artist Trading Card. basicaly there small cards about the same size as a pokemon card but there your tiny drawing, painting or whatever your art is. there are swaps to with theames im having so much fun on this site everyones so nice. you should defently take a look ;)

hear is a competition to win some atcs!

i hope i win!!! if not im still in a lovley swap with this person
the naked blue man swap ;)